Pathways Pregnancy Resource Center

Pathways Pregnancy Resource Center provides free resources to pregnant women to help them not only decide to keep their baby but also supports them in the early years of raising their child.    We support Pathways financially on a monthly basis as well as with special projects throughout the year, especially around Easter and Christmas time.    Click to learn more about Pathways.

Haven of Rest, Bristol TN/VA

Haven of Rest Rescue Mission is a Christ-centered ministry committed to helping the homeless, hungry, and hurting of Bristol, Tennessee/Virginia and the surrounding communities.   We support Haven of Rest by collecting weekly "meat offerings" which can be placed in a special freezer in our church kitchen and with projects throughout the year such as proving a meal and Christmas gifts.   Click to learn more about Haven of Rest.

Apple Festival

Generally the last weekend in September, the Town of Chilhowie has an Apple Festival featuring craft & food booths.  We provide a FREE booth for children of our community featuring face painting and simple craft projects.   This is an opportunity to love the kids (& their parents) of our region showing them the love of Christ in a practical way.

Loaves & fishes Food Pantry

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry provides meals to Smyth County and the surrounding region.  We volunteer every 3rd Thursday to help distribute food and we also give monthly to this important ministry.